Download (C.S.G.O) Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on Android!

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Matchmaking is supported for all online game modes and is managed through the Steamsoftware,[10] and runs Valve Anti-Cheat to prevent cheating.[11] In the competitive modes, players are encouraged to act more cautiously in Global Offensive than in most other multiplayer games due to the inability to respawn once killed.[12] When playing competitively, each player has a specific rank based on their skill level and is paired up with players of around the same skill level.[1]Another form of matchmaking, known as "Prime", permits matches to be played only with other users with the Prime feature which results in more equal matches as there are fewer "smurfs".[13] The PC version of Global Offensive supports private dedicated serversthat players may connect to through the community server menu in-game. These servers may be heavily modified and can drastically differ from the base game modes. There have been many community made mods for the game, one of the more popular ones being known as "kz", a mod which allows players to complete obstacle courses that require advanced strafing and jumping techniques.[14]

Over time, the community developed strategies for competitive play. When trying to capture a site, a common strategy used is called "rushing". Rushing is when a player or group of players move into a choke-point on the map as fast as possible. This strategy is used commonly when one of the teams is running an "eco". An eco occurs when a team has a lack of money to buy weapons, utility, or armor, forcing the team to be left with minimal rifles and little utility. "Eco" rounds are those in which a team will buy very few or no guns in order to save money for future rounds. Occasionally, when a team is low on money, the opposition will purchase "anti-eco" weapons which perform well at close range to prevent casualties and financial bonuses.[15]Rushing is also used if there is a lack of time on the clock and the bomb needs to be planted or defused in an act of desperation.[16] Another common strategy for taking a site is using predetermined smoke grenades and flash bangs to hinder enemies' sight.[15]

Global Offensive saw the introduction of new weapons and equipment not seen in previous installments, most notably the firebomb for each side (referred to as a Molotov on the Terrorist side and as an Incendiary Grenade on the Counter-Terrorist side). These temporarily cover a small area in fire, dealing damage to anyone passing through. Global Offensive also saw the introduction of a range of new guns, including shotguns, pistols and sub-machine guns, along with a taser. Two new game modes, Arms Race and Demolition, both based on mods for previous iterations in the series, were added alongside a total of eight new maps for said game modes.[1]Global Offensive saw the removal of features seen in previous iterations of the series. The ability to freely explore the map when dead was removed from many modes, though server hosts are able to change this setting. The unsilenced USP and the MP5 were replaced by other guns.[1] The tactical shield was also removed.[17] The concept of sprays were not present in the game until the addition of consumable items called graffiti.[18]

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