Latest Nova 3 freedom edition (Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance) On Android

He and Sergeant Becker ride a 4x4 to the artifact location. As instructed to, Becker gets on the gun of the 4x4 and covers the entrance. Kal manages to reach the artifact,
but right next to it stands Prometheus, who forbids him to get the artifact. Prometheus explains he is the hand of the Judgers, and he will be returning the artifact to them.
Prometheus then tells Kal that unsurprisingly, Becker was overpowered and killed by the swarm of Volterites at the entrance. He then explains that Kal will have to retrieve two more artifacts for the Judgers in order to stop them from "cleansing" the world, killing both humans and Volterites in the process. Prometheus also tells him that he will have to get to the Fyna galaxy and battle for the second artifact.

The second artifact is hidden in an ancient Volterite ship, Therrius. Kal is teleported there by Prometheus, and gets the artifact, with the help of new Volterite ally Maz'Rah. In the process, Kal reactivates the ship as well, which would help Maz'Rah's Volterite rebels in their war against the Volterites who are hostile to humans, called the Dominion.

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